Whew! What a weekend. We had a great time riding to and from the Horse Magazine's second annual Smoke Out.
We camped in a cool spot in Blythe called McIntyre park, complete with grass and a nice river called the Colorado to bathe in. I blew the tranny in the team van pulling a little grade in Glamis. Luckily it ground to a halt right in from of the Glamis Beach Store which had plenty of overpriced water and beef jerky. AAA, U Haul, a giant wad of cash, some terrorist transmission shop and all was well.
We made it to Cottonwood with only one ticket, one crash (not us, some jackass on a bagger who was riding over his head, imagine that...) and only minor mechanical issues. Our friends Kim, Fredo, Joel, Erik, Big O and a couple other guys rode with us and put up with all of our crap, thanks guys, hanging out was the best part of the weekend. It didn't rain this year which was nice, but it got down to 20 degrees one night at the ironic Dead Horse campground. We have to consider hotels one of these days. We lugged all our crap in to the dustbowl of a fairground and set up the Biltwell kit each day. I think next time we might just pass out catalogs from a helicopter or something. Sitting in that dusty field was not the most fun I've had all year.
Thank God there were lots of cool bikes to look at, of course the Chop Off bikes plus a few real stand outs like Kutty's rose-covered Triumph. Lots of people took lots of pics so I didn't even bother this year, I'm sure they are all over the innerweb by now. Speaking of the Chop Off bikes, our friend and EDR sponsor Wes White from FOUR ACES won the Chop Off and we were really stoked for him. I thought Brew Dude's bike looked like it would be super fun to ride and he obviously knows what he's doing building that crazy 45 magnum motor. He also happened to be a super nice, down to earth guy. Didn't spend too much time with the Chandler bike and I'm sure it had some cool stuff going on, it just wasn't my style. I'm sure we'll see full write-ups on all the bikes in future issues. I don't know who won the other ten awards but it had to have been difficult to pick, as there were quite a few gems to choose from.
We also had the pleasure of hanging out around the fire a little with Trumpnut Nick who's wife Breeanne just had a baby boy and is sponsoring the EDR with Cycle Cosmetics, her new leather working venture. Good to see you and your welder as always, Nick. Please bring you friend "Butthole" on the EDR if he lives that long. That guy was top shelf.
The highlight was Riverside Erik racing over to the burnout pit in a pair of fuzzy purple t-back undies he got from McGoo. What McGoo was doing with these and what lady they came from we'll probably never know, but it was worth the $138 we rustled up for Erik to mock those who think it's so cool to do a burn out against a wall. Hold your front brake man, or do a wheelie or something. Light yourself on fire, something, anything but wallouts. Anyway....
Thanks to everyone who stopped by the booth and hung out, hopefully we'll see a bunch of you in San Felipe! Here's a couple random pics.

Joel, the prince of soul.

Chris needs new pants.

Purple rain, purple rain...

Wes' winning bike.

Paint by Nick-O-Teen.