Hola, El Diablo Runners,
Less than a month to go. I can't wait! None of our personal bikes are completely ready to go yet. Chris still has carb issues with the Pan, McGoo is still waiting on his freshly painted tins before he can ride the Smokin' Gun and I'm slowly working through the last few issues with my Triumph. I'm sure many of you are still thrashing away as well. Two sponsors that I know of, Trent from Atomic and Wes at Four Aces haven't really even started on their bikes yet. Now that is talent, optimism or confidence, I'm not sure which. All of the above, I guess.
There has been a slight change in the route if you are riding with us from Temecula. Highway 78 is closed for a couple months, right in the middle of our route. Thanks, CalTrans! It doesn't matter much, there's an easy way around it that still has some great scenery and a perfectly paved, twisty downhill that will make for great photo-ops for you photogs out there. The route is completely described below. Please know the route so I don't have to answer "How far to the next gas?" every time we stop. Also, in case you want to ride faster than some of us guys on old bikes, you will know where the hell you're going. We don't have an official "road captain" on this deal, it's every rider for himself. We plan on pulling out of Temecula Denny's at about 8:00AM, and if you want to ride with our pack, cool. If you want to lag behind or run ahead, cool. Whatever, just know that we are leaving at 8:00 come hell or high water. We'll probably stop at each gas stop along the way for idiots like me and Chris with peanut tanks. You guys with better capacity can haul ass by of course.
We'll stop at the Pizza Hut in Calexico (the US border town) and eat, gas up and get everyone Mexican Insurance. We don't want to screw around here too long and roll in after dark like last year. We'll spend about an hour and a half here, and then we're hitting the road south. 400 free beers await us at Ruben's and I for one KNOW I'll be thirsty.
I've included the route instructions on here, as well as the revised map. You can also download .pdf versions on the site at

Be self-contained. Know the route. Take care of your own shit. Stop to help someone if they need it, you might be the next guy on the side of the road. Provide your own chase if at all possible. We're here to help with anything, but are not babysitters. Any douchebags will be treated as such. Enjoy.
Temecula to San Felipe Route
Temecula to Warner Springs (GAS) 40 miles
Start: Denny's
28915 Rancho California R, Temecula, CA
Tel: (951) 676-5886
We'll pull out going south on Old Town Front Street through old town Temecula.
At the end of town, turn left on the 79 South. The 79 goes through a few miles of town and then turns into country two-lane road. There is gas at Warner Springs.
Warner Springs to Borrego Springs (GAS) 21 miles
Continue on 79 South for about 3 miles to San Felipe Road (S2) turn Left.
Continue on S2 for 4.6 miles, turn Left on Montezuma Valley Road (S22) for 18 miles.
Follow detour signs into town, Turn Right onto Palm Canyon Drive (S22)
Borrego Springs to Ocotillo Wells (GAS) 24 miles
Head south on Palm Canyon Drive to traffic circle, take first right off of circle towards Ocotillo Wells (S3).
Continue on S3 for 11 miles.
Turn Left at the Highway 78 Junction. Approx. 13 miles, on the right side is the "Blew Inn" gas stop.
Ocotillo Wells to Westmoreland (GAS) 27 miles
Continue East on 78, turn right (south) on highway 86 into Westmoreland.
Westmoreland to Calexico (GAS) 30 miles
Continue on highway 86, which becomes Imperial Ave. Stay on Imperial Ave. to Highway 8.
Go East on Highway 8 for 5 miles, exit at the 111 South.
Stay on 111 South for about 6.5 miles.
On the right side of the road, just before the Border Crossing there is a Pizza Hut. We'll stop here for lunch, Mexican Insurance and to top off with gas before crossing the border. We will leave this Pizza Hut no later than 1.5 hours after arriving.
Calexico to San Felipe
When you cross the border into Mexicali, do not take the sharp right. Instead, go straight into downtown. About 2 miles into town there is a fork in the road: veer right and follow the signs to San Felipe on Mex Highway 5. If you get screwed up, just keep heading South on any bumpy old street you find. At the end of town there really is only one way out, and that's on Highway 5.
The last gas before San Felipe is a Pemex station on the right, about 28 miles south of the border. You still have about another 100 miles to go before the next gas station in San Felipe. There is a military checkpoint and a border crossing on this leg of the journey, so don’t carry anything stupid. Just on the south side of the Federales check point is an old shack called Three Poles where we can stop, grab a drink and top off gas from chase trucks if you need it.
Note: During this leg of the trip it would be advisable for riders to go single file on the highway. There are some BIG potholes and riding in a tight staggered formation makes it hard to avoid hitting these monsters.
When we pull into San Felipe there is a Pemex station immediately on the right. Then continue down the main road through many Alto signs. Turn left when you hit the beach and follow the little beachfront bar/strand area to the end. Turn right at the stop sign. Go right again at the next stop sign, towards the lighthouse. Turn left at the last street at the top of the hill. Follow this street almost to the end, where you will see Ruben's and Kiki's campos on the right.